Spot the difference, 01

by | Mar 11, 2023 | Activities, Resources

Get your detective hats on and sharpen those observation skills because we’re about to embark on an uproarious spot-the-difference challenge like no other! Welcome to the world of American and British English variations, where language takes unexpected twists and turns. Prepare for a linguistic showdown as we present you with mind-boggling spot-the-difference images, brimming with delightful surprises – each contrasting detail will leave you chuckling with delight.

So grab your magnifying glass, get ready to flex those spot-the-difference muscles and enjoy a laugh-out-loud journey through the quirky world of American and British English.

Click (or tap, if you are on a touchscreen device) on the image where there is a difference. If you are correct, the explanation for the difference will pop up!

There are seven differences for you to find. Let the spotting begin!

Want to learn the basic differences between the two major variants in English? Here is a course that provides you with a solid understanding of the differences between American and British English. 


  1. The direction of the aeroplance/airplane
  2. The colour/color of the trousers/pants of the young boy facing the sea
  3. The football/soccer ball near the boy mentioned in (2)
  4. The candy floss/cotton candy image on the cart
  5. The biscuits/cookies in front of the young lady
  6. The vest/undershirt of the girl playing with the dog
  7. The dustbin/trash can
  1. Sony Wilson

    As always, you make learning very interesting!

    • Murugaraj Shanmugam

      Thank you, Sony. As always, you are a source of encouragement! 🙂

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