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Using boldface for formatting
Using boldface for formatting

Three common types of formatting followed in the publishing industry are italics, boldface, and underlines. In a previous post, we discussed the role of italics in formatting text. In this post, let’s discuss some occurrences where boldface is used. Headings As you...

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Using Italics for Formatting
Using Italics for Formatting

Italic type is a style of font where the letters are slanted to the right. It is commonly used in typesetting for various purposes. Here are some general conventions regarding the use of italics. Emphasis: Italics are often used to emphasize or highlight a particular...

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What’s your story?

Editor’s Essentials invites you to share it with the editing fraternity. After all, a story is to be told, an idea is worth spreading, and editors are the ones who never shy away from seeking advice.

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The tale continues…
The tale continues…

Localization may be defined as the efforts to reach out to end-users and most importantly engage them. And there are various degrees of localization, from standardizing spelling to translation. Want to know more? Read on.

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British vs. American spelling

Ensuring consistency in spelling is one of the housekeeping kind of editing tasks for a copy editor. Even though Microsoft Word provides a large array of English options, the global publishing world is divided between – or should I say, united by – two variations of...

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One of the important characteristics of a copy editor is eye for details. I would say that perspective is yet another. As copy editors edit as if they were an author – trying to present the author's intentions clearly – and read like a reader, it becomes...

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