Some vital stats . . .

Duration: 20 hours

Practice sentences: 250+
Quizzes: 19
Editing assignments: 02
Course overview
Stated simply, the subject of a clause must agree in number with the verb that it governs: if the subject is singular, the verb must be singular; if the subject is plural, the verb must be plural.
This seemingly simple principle brings with it some challenges, however. For example, identifying the subject of a clause is not always straightforward. Even if the subject is correctly identified, recognizing the number property for that subject is sometimes tricky. And there are certain sentence constructions that are not dealt with in most grammar guides. On top of this, the subject and its verb have to be matched in every single clause, which means ensuring subject verb agreement is perhaps one of the most common tasks for a copyeditor.
This course on subject verb agreement recognizes these challenges, and approaches the concept in a step-by-step and logical manner.
Course delivery
The course may be accessed via our learning portal, which includes learning material, practice quizzes, and assessments, via self-paced online modules. Discussions are held via an exclusive forum community.
Each week is complete in itself in that the learning week begins with a live session of the topic(s) of the week, followed by practice papers and assessment, and finally editing sample passages of the topic(s) covered in this week. Thus, each topic completes the full cycle of
- introduction to the concepts
- reinforcement through practice
- validation through assessments and
- application through editing samples.
We approach the concept through three thorough steps.
- The first lesson discusses the basics, such as the definition of a subject, how to find the subject of a clause, what are the different forms of a subject, and the number property of nouns.
- The second lesson approaches the concepts by expanding on the different forms of a subject, such as the simple and compound subjects, phrases and clauses as subjects and numbers (or its equivalents) as subjects.
- The third lesson contains two editing assignments of around 3-4 pages each.
- Each lesson is split into topics, with each topic having relevant practice papers.
Course Content

Murugaraj Shanmugam
Founder, Editor’s Essentials
Murugaraj Shanmugam has been a copyeditor for nearly 20 years, in most part of which he trained and set up copyediting teams for typesetting companies in India. He has been an independent trainer since 2018 when he founded Editor’s Essentials.

Duration: 20 hours
Quizzes: 19

Practice sentences: 250+
Editing assignments: 02